Friday, December 2, 2016

Westworld (Spoilers and theories)

Alright I was a bit late to the party on this one. I figured Westworld would be something I could get into but I'm pretty bad about keeping up on shows. Netflix has spoiled me like soo many others to just binge what I want when I want. So I was letting this one go until at least the season was over then I could just binge it how I liked. Cut to Thanksgiving night and I was full of turkey and decided to give the first episode of Westworld a shot. Well I am now putting up a blog so you can tell how this goes but I tore through the 8 episodes I had missed and now I am with the rest of the world wondering how the season finale this weekend will go.I will just say now that if you aren't up to date go get that handled right now. For the rest of us this will be a bit of a refresher on the big points heading into this weekend and some ideas of what may go down.
First let me just say please don't Bernard be done. I mean it, he is my new Charlie.(Talking about Charlie from LOST another show I went down the rabbit hole with) I was genuinely surprised when he was revealed to be a host and even more so when his apparent plan to show his independence went so badly. Is Ford really so far ahead with his planning that all of these seemingly free will based choices are just moves he has made or was he lucky to have the safe guards up he did and barely made it out? What will be his story coming out of the finale? He has a new "story" he has been working on for a while and it seems to involve the town in sand that seemed to be the start of all of the trouble in the park 35 years ago. There is also the other hosts who seem to be coming to and working their way free of the control put upon them one by one. Will Maeve get her army and make her way to freedom or is this another idea that is destined to fail at Ford's hands? Will we find out who Wyatt is and will the theory that it is Dolores be proved true? After last weeks revelation that she killed Arnold and he flashbacks to the massacre it seems like there are enough hints to show it could be her. If what she said to Teddy in episode 1 about "his path always leading back to her" maybe their stories were changed after the massacre and he is meant to always be tied to her either as a safety measure or a punishment. After all their love story is doomed to fail in their loop again and again. If you had the power that Ford has and someone killed your best friend an ongoing loop of misery might be how you punish them. Then we have the Man in Black and like LOST it just feels right to have a character referred to as the Man in Black. Will he get to the maze and will another popular theory that he is actually William be proved true? On this particular theory I am pretty undecided. William had a real rough go on the last episode and his newfound murderous intent does seem to go in line with the Man in Black's ways of doing whatever he feels needs to be done to get to the maze and learn the truth of the park. Here is where I am just tossing out an idea though. I haven't watched the Michael Crichton directed Westworld film from 1973 but I have seen the trailer and it seems to show a Man in Black wrecking shop who appears to be a host. Now I could be totally wrong on that and even if it is, who is to say that parts haven't been changed from the film to the show. I am holding off on the movie until after the show ends in case they are following it and I end up ruining the show for myself but that part has managed to keep popping up as I watch. We didn't even touch on some of the smaller story lines like Stubbs being caught going to look for Elsie or what will happen with William's best bud Logan. If you are wondering where I stand on those 2 long story short is Stubbs is Ok and Logan slightly less so.
I could easily turn this into novel but we are all a bit confused and making connections as we go so I won't go deeper into my own ideas. Trust me you don't want that. During LOST I was one of the people reading the books Sawyer read, pausing to see where the numbers popped up, and being on the message boards during commercials. I can get way too deep in these things so I will spare you all from that, unless you want to get into the deep in which case feel free to comment here, facebook, twitter, instagram, hell come

stop by the shop we can fire up some episodes and really nerd out. Until then though we will leave you to rewatch the first 9 episodes before the finale comes this Sunday. In honor of my newest obsession we have put out a shirt for everyone's favorite watering hole and we are tossing in a free maze sticker to the first 50 orders here
One last thing is you are in the Pittsburgh area come check us out at the Steel City Con in Monroeville next weekend. We have some new designs premiering at this con and a load of Funkos that you will have first dibs on there. So come out say hey and tell me what you thought about the finale. 

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