Wednesday, March 29, 2017

New Comic Day Pick - March 29

I am one of those Firefly fans that will take whatever I can get so I have been enjoying the new stories in comic form. This week you can pick up Serenity No Power In The Verse #6 written by Chris Roberson with art by Georges Jeanty. Mal isn't going to leave River but he is risking it allto get her back. Check out how things go cause I'm sure it will be smooth sailing like all the adventures of the Serenity crew.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Top 5 Movie Monsters and a New Con Announcement!

We are stoked to announce a new con that we will be at this June this time based around all things horror. It will be held by the Steel City Con guys at the Monroeville Convention Center and they are saying it will have over 30 horror icons.We will have more details closer to the event but I can tell you we will be having a few designs that will be available that weekend online and at the con so you can pick up something for the monster/ horror fan in your life (or just treat yourself, I won't judge). So in keeping with the theme I decided to do a Top 5 of my personal favorite movie monsters. I am not a huge horror fan but when it comes to the design and stories behind monsters I love them all. From the mythical infused fairies and demons like you get in Hellboy to the gigantic Kaiju from Pacific Rim I always am kind of rooting for the bad guy in a monster movie. So here are my top 5 as with any good list feel free to let me know who your favorites are cause with just doing 5 there will be a lot of quality bad mother-lovers that don't make the cut.

Starting me off at number 5 is the Pale Man from Pan's Labyrinth but let's be honest if you have ever seen a Guillermo Del Toro movie you know just about anything he has put on screen deserves a spot. He has a love of monsters that is unmatched it seems but this combination between his vision and Doug Jones portrayal stands out to anyone who has seen it. It starts so simple as the seemingly blind ghoul is enjoying a nice nap until a few grapes are stolen from his table. He then picks up his eyes off a platter and puts them into the sockets in his hands. The chase is slow but he shows why you shouldn't steal from him and while his time on screen is short it is one of the most memorable creatures from Del Toro.

Coming in next at the 4th spot for me are the "clever girls" from Jurassic Park. My love of dinosaurs is right up there with my love of sharks (oh hey it's Freddy Foreshadow..)in that I started young and still am a big fan. The T-Rex may have the big moments like the classic toilet death but these were the ones I was more afraid of as a kid. All through the movie the Raptors were not only vicious but much more intelligent than you want a 5 foot leaping meat eating dino that is hunting you to be. The kitchen scene with the kids was as stressful as anything in the OG Jurassic Park. I know they became a SWAT team in Jurassic World but even Chris Pratt couldn't keep them in line and if Burt Macklin can't control them we all need to look out.

Taking the number 3 spot for me are the xenomorphs from the Aliens franchise. They are not only truly terrifying in the way they stalk their prey and use them as hosts to create more but they do it just to do it. They are a hive minded species who just want to kill and multiply. With acid blood, spiked tails, a teeny little mouth inside a huge mouth, and their Spider-man wall climbing there isn't much these guys cant do. To top it all off they have one of the most iconic and purely rad designs of any monster. Special nod to the facehuggers too. I would explain why they at least deserve a shout out but come on you have seen them right? Yea, case closed.

Number 2 is the daddy of them all for me. There are a few versions of Godzilla with varying degrees of success but to me the original is the man. I remember seeing the old black and white Godzilla movies as a kid and I was hooked. I had a hard green plastic toy that didn't bend or have any articulation but I loved that guy cause he could stomp the hell out of some Hot Wheels. Kaiju movies are some of my favorites and I am very pumped to see my man do battle with Kong in the near future but I will always have a place for the rubber suit as it sends a TKO to Tokyo.

I love Jaws. This is one of those movies I have seen so many times that quotes from it seep out into my day to day life. I have read the book, (which you can skip trust me. Normally the book is at least as good as the movie if not better but Jaws is like 90% about a bad marriage with a shark popping up at the end.) I have watched the Inside Jaws: Filmumentary which is awesome and I highly suggest it if you are a fan, and I will buy all kinds of Jaws merch cause I can't not buy it come on. There isn't much I can say about Jaws that hasn't been said. The way they shot it seems perfect to add to the fear of not being able to see the shark until the climax and while we now know that was more forced because of the problems with Bruce (the shark was named Bruce after Steven Spielberg's lawyer) rather than a choice it helps the movie hold up even now. It is a masterpiece of building tension that can be watched again and again and you will never get sick of it. The sequels slowly ruined what was amazing about Jaws but they have their place cause sometimes you need a train wreck, Jaws 3D, to let you know how good the first was.

So there are my picks now let me know yours. Leave a comment or hit us up on instagram, twitter, and on facebook. We will keep you in the loop with details on the horror con in June as we get closer and don't forget to come see us at the Steel City Con on April 7-9. As always you can check us out at to pick up all the finest in rad ass shirts and all your Funko Pop needs. As a special treat cause we love you we put up 2 of our horror shirts online early. You can pick up our JAWS tee and Camp Crystal Lake shirt at

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

New Comic Day Pick - March 22

This week I am of course giving my pick to Iron Fist #1. This is the start of a new run that is written by Ed Brisson with art by Mike Perkins. K'un Lun has been destroyed and Danny is having a hard time keeping his chi in check and is off picking fights to challenge himself but will he get too deep too fast? Let's hope with the Netflix show just having premiered this run gets a good chance to tell a rad long lasting story.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

New Comic Day Pick - March 15

He-Man and the Thundercats are ending this mini series by battling Skeletor and Mumm- Ra. If you grew up with these guys like I did this is a must check out book. Just check out that cover I mean come on. Written by Rob David with art by Freddie Williams II.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

New Comic Day Pick - March 8

This week's pick is Old Man Logan #19. With the release of Logan this is a book that I think everyone should be reading. It follows an alternate future Logan now that he is in the main Marvel universe following the events of Secret Wars from 2015. The official description for this issue is the following..

PRISON BREAK WITH OLD MAN LOGAN! A failure from the past haunts LOGAN...and to correct his mistakes, he'll need magical assistance. But when he faces opposition, Logan will turn to an unlikely - and potentially treacherous - ally! Will an encounter with MILES MORALES convince Logan to alter his path? 

Written by Jeff Lemire and art by Andrea Sorrentino this is a consistently rad book that puts a nice spin on Wolverine. What are you picking up this week and have you been keeping up with this run of Logan? What do you think of this version of old Wolvey?

Monday, March 6, 2017

Deadpool 2 Trailer!!

If you missed out on the Deadpool short that was released this weekend along with being played before screenings of Logan firstly, shame on you, but don't worry we have it here so you can rectify your grave error in time management.

Rad huh? Now none of that will be in the sequel but it's more Deadpool so who is complaining. We get Wade being extremely Wade-like, a Stan Lee pop in, and the Superman theme which is without a doubt the greatest theme in movie history. You also may have noticed that scroll at the end and unless you are an uber nerd you probably didn't pause to read it. Again have no fear cause we have it here. It was a summary on "The Old Man and the Sea" by Ernest Hemingway that looks like it may have been written by Wade himself. This could be a nod to Logan himself or maybe a look ahead to Deadpool and Cable's relationship in the sequel but judge for yourself after you read it here.
"The Old Man and the Sea is the story of a fight between an elderly, accomplished fisherman, Santiago, and a really big fish. Like… HUGE. The story opens with Santiago suffering eighty-four days without catching a fish because he’s the unluckiest son-of-a-bitch on planet earth. Honestly, if you were in a boat for eighty-four days, it’d be hard to NOT catch a fish… even by accident. Santiago was so unlucky that his apprentice, Manolin, was forbidden by his Ma and Pa to fish with him. But as The Fresh Prince used to say, ‘Parents Just Don’t Understand’. So the boy visits Santiago’s shack anyway.
Ignoring the inherent risks of unsupervised playtime with an elderly man who talks to himself, Manolin helps out, moving Santiago’s fishing gear, making food and talking about baseball. Especially Joe DiMaggio; who used to bump fuzzies with Marilyn Monroe. The next day, Santiago tells Manolin that he’s going way out into the Gulf Stream. WAY OUT north of Cuba. Lady luck is returning!
On the eighty-fifth day of his crappy luck, Santiago drops his lines, and by noon, gets a bite from what feels like a big ass fish. He’s sure it’s a winner. He fights and fights and fights but can’t pull the monster in. Santiago’s leaky old boat is pulled by the fish for two days and nights as he holds on for dear life. Even though he’s bloody and beat, Santiago begins to appreciate this mighty adversary. He starts calling him “brother” or maybe even, “bro.” It’s sort of a love story if you really think about it. And like most romantic comedies, the reader pictures a delightful outfit changing montage, followed by the inevitable interspecies wedding.
But on the third day, Santiago is freakin’ EXHAUSTED, and decides he just wants the fish to do what he says and not always swim wherever it wants. So he stabs it. With a fucking harpoon. It’s a mess. Super gross. Blood everywhere. Because, like many men his age, Santiago has difficulty expressing his emotions and fears with words - instead giving in to base desires - and imposing his gigantically terrible positions on any given subject through unblinking violence. Typical.
Anyway, he straps the marlin to the side of his skiff and hits the road home, ready to act like a total show off to everyone and probably gouge people on the price. But guess what? Pretty soon sharks begin to attack the bleeding marlin’s carcass, because we all know, life is a tragic opera and just when you think you’ve finally found something good and true, sharks come along and rip it all to fucking shreds while dry-humping your dignity with their crazy-weird shark dicks. Sure, Santiago tries killing a few of them, but drops his harpoon because his hands are just as old as he is. By nighttime, the sharks have pretty much eaten the entire marlin.
Only a bleach-white skeleton remains, silently mocking him in the murky darkness. Santiago realizes he’s still unlucky. REALLY unlucky. (Duh!) He calls the sharks “dream killers”. Which isn’t really all that fair. I mean, the sharks were just doing their job and the marlin… Jesus, don’t even get me started on the marlin! It was just hanging out one day, minding it’s own business, maybe thinking about ways it could be a better provider for it’s family and WHAM! Harpoon in the brain. Who’s the “dream killer” now, fuckface? The hypocrisy is pretty much boundless at this point.
Eventually Santiago makes it ashore. Leaving the bones of the marlin and the boat, he hobbles to his shack. He makes it home and crashes, like I said - he’s super tired. The next morning a group of fishermen gather around Santiago’s boat. One measures the skeleton and, holy shit-shingles! It’s over 18 feet! The head of the fish is given to Pedrico (strange that this is the first mention of him) and the other fishermen ask Manolin to send their glad tidings to the old man.
Manolin brings Santiago newspapers and coffee when he wakes and they decide to fish together again. Many years later, there’s a Red Lobster Restaurant in nearly every city in America, offering a casual dining experience and convenient parking."
That is a rambling book report of the highest order and the bit about sharks dry- humping your dignity is something that will stick with me for the rest of my life. Now while we rewatch this trailer a few more times you can watch in style with our Maximum Effort tee available here!!

Thursday, March 2, 2017

PS Plus and XBOX Games with Gold : March 2017

This month Playstation will be offering the Vita to PS4 game Tearaway Unfolded, a new multiplayer disc game that is a cross between air hockey and tennis, and a few other PS3 and Vita games. The full run down looks like this.
  • Tearaway Unfolded (PS4)
  • Disc Jam (PS4)
  • Lumo (PS Vita, Cross Buy with PS4)
  • Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late (PS3)
  • Earth Defense Force 2025 (PS3)
  • Severed (PS Vita)

On XBOX One you can try out Layers of Fear if you are in the mood for some spooky times or if you want to shoot some stuff, and who doesn't, there are a few shooters available. The list for March looks like this.
  • Layers of Fear: Available from March 1-31 on Xbox One
  • Evolve Ultimate Edition: Available from March 16-April 15 on Xbox One
  • Borderlands 2: Available from March 1-15 on Xbox 360 & Xbox One
  • Heavy Weapon: Available from March 16-31 on Xbox 360 & Xbox One
While you are enjoying all these new games make sure to remember the classics with out throwback controller tee! Pick yours up here!

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

New Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 Trailer is Here!!

Can it just be May 5th already? I mean come on let's just all agree to skip ahead so we can watch this movie. This trailer gave us our first look at Kurt Russell as the human form of Ego and a few possible plot points. I like how James Gunn has given us all a good look at this movie while not feeling like we already know what's going to happen which a lot of trailers seem to do, )looking at you Batman VS Superman...).  We will have to wait to see why the Guardians are fighting that huge tentacled alien, why Nebula is in handcuffs, and why Peter's dad Ego wanted the Ravagers to find him in the first movie. There is only about 2 months to go until Vol 2 releases but it feels light years away, yup space joke. You can check out the new trailer below and the link below that will take you to our rad Ravagers throw back mash up tee!

Ravagers Tee @shirtnado!

New Comic Day Pick - March 1

This is the end. This is the series finale of Nailbiter so if you aren't caught up now is the time. The mystery of Buckaroo is revealed and I am willing to bet it's going to be bloody. This extra sized finale is written as always by Joshua Williamson with art by Mike Henderson.