Friday, January 20, 2017

Logan and Power Rangers Release New Trailers

Logan has put a second way more in depth trailer and while its almost at that point of showing too much it does look pretty rad. This is clearly going to be a lot more of a story about Wolverine and X-23 rather than the "Old Man Logan" story line from the comics. While that would have been an awesome story it also would have been basically impossible with all the characters they would need and just the size. Not to mention a story where pretty much all the good guys have been killed and the Red Skull is running the show doesn't fit with the more lighthearted Marvel Cinematic Universe. That being said this is a no joke trailer. Guys are getting killed off left and right and we have some adult language lol. What do you think of how this is shaping up and what are you hoping for out of the last Hugh Jackman time as Wolverine?

The new Power Rangers also put out a new trailer last night and for what it is it doesn't look too bad. I was just 9 or 10 when the Power Rangers were coming out in the US and I remember the ads leading up to it were dinosaurs, giant robots, and some shots of guys fighting monsters in spandex. So as a kid it was almost too good to be true. While I watched the first season I don't really remember too much and I didn't stick around for all the different generations that came after. This seems to do a decent job of following that first season and updating it for new audiences. Check out the trailer below and let us know what you think whether you were a fan before or if this is your first time with Voltron-lite.

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