Thursday, January 26, 2017

Avengers Assemble For A New Game!!

Square Enix has just announced an Avengers video game. First thought reading that was we are getting an rpg but it will be published by Square Enix and developed by Crystal Dynamics and Eidos Montreal. Crystal Dynamics has been doing the latest (and best imo) Tomb Raider games and Eidos Montreal has not only helped out with both of those recent releases but also handle the Deus Ex games. Now looking just at those 2 franchises I am immediately hopeful. Both Tomb Raider and Deus Ex have been scoring in the high 80's and low 90's so these studios know what they are doing and those games are action based but varied enough that I feel like they can cover the mechanics of the different Avengers. The teaser doesn't reveal too much yet but the theme seems to be about the Avengers coming back together after what looks like a breakup or bad defeat. It ends with #REASSEMBLE so what happened to the gang and how will they come back together? Check out the teaser below and let us know know what you want to see!
Pretty intense right? and just for shits and giggles lets also enjoy the trailer for the Spider-Man Insomniac game announced at E3 last summer. Looks like Marvel has a decent chance of some good games coming up.

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