Monday, January 30, 2017

Impressions of For Honor

This weekend there was a Beta for For Honor and since it is a game that looked pretty interesting from E3 I decided to give it a go. When I first saw For Honor I was immediately drawn to it. I mean knights, vikings ,and my personal choice samurai doing battle seems like a perfect fit for a guy who has read 3 books on Musashi. These were real books to not graphic novels so yea I am a fan of this stuff. The combat is simple enough to draw you in with attacks coming from either side or over the top and blocking being done the same way. You get an indicator of where your opponent will go for so you can defend and attack with either a light or strong attack of your own. This game has been set up non-ironically to be all about honor and the one on one duels as you capture and defend set points. When you destroy a group of enemy A.I. soldiers (which you will do very easily) and get to the enemy point and have to methodically attack and defend against another play the game is at its best. The problem is that doesn't happen as much as it should. The majority of battles were a 2 on 1 in which case see ya or if you had the advantage the enemy will run back to get a health at their point or lead you to a few of their buddies. Which in a game makes sense but it seems like the developers really expected this game to be played with honor to a point that people will look to challenge each other one on one or if there is a number advantage to wait until the duel is finished then step in to fight the victor but not to gang up on the other players. That will never happen. People are pretty awful and any time you are playing online against people there will be a nonstop group of trolls and people just looking to be dicks and this game was  full of that at least in the beta. There is a Revenge mechanic that seems to be the developers admitting that you will indeed be gang banged often (you know when a gang of vikings would bangs their swords on their shields in battle yea that's where the term comes from... fun fact to tell your friends). It is helpful but still just seems to be a way of the game to say "saw you got destroyed there so here is a chance to feel good for a few seconds. For Honor is a cool way to try a multiplayer experience but as with soo many rad ideas it seems people might just be the worst and end up ruining it. Hopefully things will be tinkered with and fixed much like how The Division had updates to help make the dark zone bearable.  I enjoyed the combat and the idea enough that I am still interested but it want be a day one buy for me. I will let it go for a bit and see how the community develops a bit before i fully jump in. For Honor releases on February 14 if you want to check it out yourself and if you haven't seen it yet here is a gameplay clip.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Avengers Assemble For A New Game!!

Square Enix has just announced an Avengers video game. First thought reading that was we are getting an rpg but it will be published by Square Enix and developed by Crystal Dynamics and Eidos Montreal. Crystal Dynamics has been doing the latest (and best imo) Tomb Raider games and Eidos Montreal has not only helped out with both of those recent releases but also handle the Deus Ex games. Now looking just at those 2 franchises I am immediately hopeful. Both Tomb Raider and Deus Ex have been scoring in the high 80's and low 90's so these studios know what they are doing and those games are action based but varied enough that I feel like they can cover the mechanics of the different Avengers. The teaser doesn't reveal too much yet but the theme seems to be about the Avengers coming back together after what looks like a breakup or bad defeat. It ends with #REASSEMBLE so what happened to the gang and how will they come back together? Check out the teaser below and let us know know what you want to see!
Pretty intense right? and just for shits and giggles lets also enjoy the trailer for the Spider-Man Insomniac game announced at E3 last summer. Looks like Marvel has a decent chance of some good games coming up.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

New Comic Day Pick - Jan 25

Today I am highlighting Saga #42 which is the conclusion of the "The War for Phang" story line. If You haven't been reading Saga I won't spoil it but this book has been playing for keeps since issue 1 and this issue looks like another devastating story ender. This is a comic for the mature crowd about a couple from different sides of a galactic war who fall for each other and everyone wants to bring them and their daughter in for different reasons. They have been hiding out on Phang but looks like even on a war torn planet things can get worse so who will make it off and who will we be saying goodbye to? This whole series has been written by Brian K. Vaughan with art by Fiona Staples and they have been crafting an amazing story. So whether you have been there since issue #1 or jumping in late enjoy and lets see what happens next.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Resident Evil 7 :Biohazard

Don't let the 7 fool you this is unlike any of the previous RE games. Experience the horror in first person as you play as Ethan as you solve puzzles, use different weapons, and of course manage those herbs to make your way to safety. If you have Playstation VR you can also play the whole game there for an added level of terror if you dare.

Monday, January 23, 2017

London Toy Fair Releases new Funko Pops!

In a surprise to me because I had no idea London had a toy show Funko has released some mock ups for a few new lines. There will be a Lil Sebastian from Parks and Rec. and if you aren't already sold just from that then I don't know what to say. Along with a Parks and Recreation line we will be getting a second series of Batman: The Animated Series, some new guys for the rock collection, and a few classic Nickelodeon characters (where is Rocko though?).  I can't wait to pick up a few of these bad boys and girls and you know as soon as they are out of the design phase and up for order we will have them available for you to snag your own! Check out the Parks and Rec gang and you can see all the announcements and designs here. Who do you want to see in Funko form next?

Friday, January 20, 2017

Logan and Power Rangers Release New Trailers

Logan has put a second way more in depth trailer and while its almost at that point of showing too much it does look pretty rad. This is clearly going to be a lot more of a story about Wolverine and X-23 rather than the "Old Man Logan" story line from the comics. While that would have been an awesome story it also would have been basically impossible with all the characters they would need and just the size. Not to mention a story where pretty much all the good guys have been killed and the Red Skull is running the show doesn't fit with the more lighthearted Marvel Cinematic Universe. That being said this is a no joke trailer. Guys are getting killed off left and right and we have some adult language lol. What do you think of how this is shaping up and what are you hoping for out of the last Hugh Jackman time as Wolverine?

The new Power Rangers also put out a new trailer last night and for what it is it doesn't look too bad. I was just 9 or 10 when the Power Rangers were coming out in the US and I remember the ads leading up to it were dinosaurs, giant robots, and some shots of guys fighting monsters in spandex. So as a kid it was almost too good to be true. While I watched the first season I don't really remember too much and I didn't stick around for all the different generations that came after. This seems to do a decent job of following that first season and updating it for new audiences. Check out the trailer below and let us know what you think whether you were a fan before or if this is your first time with Voltron-lite.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Ego Funko Pop from Guardians Vol 2

Funko has released a look at the character Kurt Russell will be playing in the Guardians of the Galaxy sequel. We already knew he was going to be playing Ego the living planet and would be Star Lords dad but people familiar with the character from the comics have been wondering how he would look on screen. In the comics Ego is very literally a living planet. In the comic he can form the land to make a face to interact with people, the beard makes no sense I grant you but what sentient planet doesn't want to look dignified.

He has battled Thor, Galactus, and the Nova Corps so he is a pretty heavy hitter. He started as a bit of a villain but recently has become a nonviolent entity in the Marvel Universe. How he will fit in the movie could be anyone's guess but if anyone can do it it is James Gunn. It is worth pointing out that Ego is not Peter Quill's dad in the comics so how he will fit in the cinematic universe is something we will have to see. Now seeing the Funko version of Ego shows that he will be in a more human looking form for at least part of the movie. I am guessing that This human version is something like an avatar that Ego can send out to maybe further his own goals on other planets. We still have some time until Guardians Vol. 2 hits in May so until then check out the Funko Pop! version and let us know what you think of Star Lord's dad. 

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

New Comic Day Pick - Jan 18

This week's pick is Mighty Captain Marvel #1. Coming out of the Civil War 2 story line Carol is one of the biggest heroes on the planet and I'm sure that nothing bad will happen to ruin that for her. Captain Marvel has been getting a good push from Marvel and as we get ready for her introduction in the Marvel Cinematic Universe expect her to keep gaining momentum. Written by Margaret Stohl and art by Ramon Rosanas. There will be multiple covers and we are featuring the Alex Ross one because, come on he is Alex Ross how could we not.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Marvel vs Capcom Infinite Extended Trailer

There is a new trailer for MvC and it is mostly what we have seen but this one has 2 new character reveals. Morrigan and Cap himself pop up at the :49 second mark. This brings us to 6 fighters that have been announced so far. This game looks rad already and you can pick up Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 on PS4 if you haven't check that one out on last gen's consoles now to get yourself ready. Who do you want to see in this new version? There will be a few spots to fill since we won't be getting any of the mutants from Marvel due to licensing issues so who can step in and take on Ryu and the gang now?

Friday, January 13, 2017

Run The Jewels 3 Release

Today was supposed to be the release of the newest Run The Jewels album but the guys were nice enough to give everyone a Christmas present by giving it out on Xmas eve. If you haven't picked this up yet you can get yours now and in classic RTJ style you can get it as a legit free download from their site here . They are also out on tour now so make sure to check out a show near you and if you are in Pittsburgh I'l see you there tonight!

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Nintendo Switch Details

Nintendo has a press conference to let everyone know the details about the Switch tonight and it answered my biggest questions. I was expecting the Switch to sell for $250 in the US but it was announced it will be $299.99. Still very comparable with the current consoles which is a solid move for the big N. The other thing I have been wondering about is the battery life when used as a handhold and that news wasn't as good to me. It is said to have a battery life of 2.5 to 6 hours depending on the game played. They used Legend of Zelda as an example and said you would get 3 hours out of it while playing as Link. Now that isn't terrible say if you are using it on a train or bus for work commutes but I cant see it being the go everywhere option that "Karen" made it look like in the announcement trailer. There also were a few games announced and a couple stand outs besides Zelda were a new Mario titled Super Mario Odyssey coming at the end of 2017 for the Xmas rush and a couple Dragon Quest games that didn't get a release window. Pre orders are up now at Amazon so what do you think? Are you ready to buy in or are you not sold yet? If you are like me you are gonna hold off and see how the launch goes. I got plenty of class NES games to hold me over for a bit anyways cause you can't beat the classics. So if you will excuse me King Hippo needs a TKO from Tokyo so put on your throwback controller tee and enjoy!!

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

New Comic Day Pick - January 11

It's the first issue of the Rogues Reloaded storyline and Barry Allen needs to catch up to his old foes as they are planning their biggest plan ever! Written by Joshua Willamson and artist Carmine Di Giadomencio's return!

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Madballs Return with Marvel?

The blind box Madballs we got were a pretty big hit. I think a few might have even made it past our guys at the store and got picked up by a few people so thats a win. We have more being unboxed and put up in the store for purchase at our brick and mortar location in Braddock, PA or online so if you missed the first rush time to make up for it is now!!

I can't wait for the O.G. Madballs to come back and finger crossed we will have those in the next week or so but as I was checking up on them I noticed this article. You can check it out here but basically along with the classic Madballs they are also putting some Marvel ones in this line. The prototype is of Venom and he looks rad! The article is from this time last year so let's hope that this is still a thing cause I need this guy. Who would you like to see from Marvel get the Madballs treatment next?

Monday, January 9, 2017

BJ Penn returns at UFC Fight Night 103

This week the UFC will see the return of a hall of famer. BJ Penn will make his return at UFC Fight Night 103 on FS1. BJ is my personal favorite fighter of all time and although his last couple fights have seen a seemingly diminished fighter I am holding out hope to see the "Prodigy" get himself a win on Sunday.

BJ has had an amazing career and to try and hit on it all would keep us here all day so let's just cover the highlights I think you need to know.  
  • He is one of only 3 fighters to hold a belt in 2 weight classes (Randy Couture and Conor McGregor are the other 2).
  •  Penn has also fought in 5 different weight divisions and had an undefeated streak at lightweight for 9 fights which happened over 8 years. 
  •  He became known as the "Prodigy" after getting his black belt in around 3 years and was the first non-Brazilian to with the World Jiu-Jitsu Championship. 
  • Multiple fighter awards including being the inaugural inductee of the Modern-Era wing of the UFC hall of fame.
He has taken the Hilo idea of "Just Scrap" and defined it. The guy has fought way out of his natural weight class and taken fights out of the UFC as he was a champ just to keep going. I would recommend his book "Why I Fight" to hear a lot more in depth details of his career from the man himself. Fight wise  I suggest checking out BJ vs Sean Sherk at UFC 84 and BJ vs Matt Hughes at UFC 46. The fight against Sherk was to really show who was the true champion of the Lightweight division and Penn used his stand up to show how dominant he truly is. Against Hughes BJ won the Welterweight strap in a first round submission of one of the best at the time. This Sunday will be a hell of a test for a guy who hasn't fought since his loss to Frankie Edgar on July 6th 2014. Yair Rodriguez is an animal and after watching his last bout he showed a lot of variety and some amazing kicks. No matter what happens I will always consider BJ to be the GOAT and hopefully he comes into this fight to prove something to himself because nothing seems to motivate BJ like BJ. Watch all the action on FS1 this Sunday starting at 10 PM Eastern time.

Friday, January 6, 2017

Mass Effect 2 Free for PC

With the announcement of Mass Effect : Andromeda's release date this week seems like they wanted to keep the good times going. Before you sit down to see what is happening on March 21 with Andromeda you can play the second (and the best imo) of the Mass Effect trilogy for free now right here Looks like your weekend is set now so enjoy!

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Onnit x Marvel Training Equipment

Onnit is teaming up with Marvel on a new line on fitness equipment and if you are like me this is like when peanut butter started hanging out with chocolate. I got mine ordered and cant wait to add Tony's dismembered head to my workouts. Check out the whole line of Onnit and Marvel items here and let us know what you think!

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 Funko Pop! Announced

Funko just announced their line of figures coming out for the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2. As always there are a few exclusives and more than enough to collect so make sure to keep checking in here to see as we add new Pop!s and more every week. I already have a few eyed up for myself and you can check out the full sets here.

New Comic Day Pick - January 4

The start of a new arc for Moon Knight so if you haven't been picking this book up now is the time to jump in. Death and Rebirth starts here! Find out the origin of Steve Grant as writer Jeff Lemire with art by Greg Smallwood picks up where they left off in New Egypt.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

PS Plus and XBOX Games with Gold : January 2017

 This month Playstation's Plus offerings include a classic adventure game remake and a survival game based on war time conditions. Check out the full PS Plus lineup
  • Day of The Tentacle Remastered, PS4 (Cross buy on PS Vita)
  • This War of Mine: The Little Ones, PS4
  • Blazerush, PS3
  • The Swindle, PS3 (Cross Buy on PS4 and PS Vita)
  • Azkend 2, PS Vita
  • Titan Souls, PS Vita (Cross Buy on PS4)
On XBOX you will be able to pickup the fighter Killer Instinct Season 2 and the puzzle adventure game The Cave. Here is their full listings for January

  • Xbox One:
  • Deathtrap: World of Van Helsing (January 1-31)
  • Killer Instinct Season 2 (January 16- February15)
  • Outlast (December 16- January 15)
  • Xbox 360:
  • The Cave (January 1-15)
  • Rayman Origins (January 16-31

Who do you think won this month and what do you plan on checking out? Personally my recommendation goes to The Cave. 

Is Demetrius Johnson the Most Under Appreciated Fighter Ever?

(Photo: Joshua Dahl, USA Today Sports)
Watching the end of Demetrius Johnson vs. Tim Elliott on the Ultimate Fighter finale this year was mind blowing. Not because Demetrius Johnson was getting booed as they raised his arm, or that the stands looked empty, but just the simple fact that the so many fans of the sport have no idea what this man has accomplished. It's obvious why a flashier personality, or a bigger mouth will get more push, but the lack of push for Mighty Mouse is sad. 
A huge looping left KO, or a head kick are always great to see in the sport. For my money there's nothing better than a definitive end to a fight. A decision isn't always the most gratifying thing for the viewer, but dismissing them all as bad fights is ridiculous. Don't get me wrong, there is no shortage of boring decisions. But win Johnson wins by decision like he did vs. Elliott, there is no question. He works, non-stop. Constantly moving for better position, attempting submissions, and seamlessly flowing to the next submission attempt. When he stands he trades, he moves fast, he's aggressive & he always pushes the pace. Then again, all of this is slightly opinion-based, so maybe we should focus on some concrete stats. 
  • 25–2–1. Since April 2011, Johnson has lost twice, both times by decision. No one has ever finished him in a professional fight, and he has tasted a loss since 2011.
  • He won the first UFC flyweight belt, and no one else has ever touched it. On June 8th 2012, he won the belt vs. Joseph Benavidez and has had it ever since. He hasn't held onto it by avoiding fights. He defended 3 times in 2013, and twice a year ever since. The current fight scene will jump to call someone the GOAT just by winning a belt. But the greatest are weighed by title defenses. Defending a belt for a long period of time isn't just about winning fights. You are up against a stable of fighters, specifically training, and game planning for a shot at your belt. Every fight is an everything to lose, nothing to gain scenario. To overcome that time & time again shows incredible resiliency and versatility. He is tied for the second most title defenses in UFC history with Georges St. Pierre with 9 title defenses. Anderson Silva has 10.
  • When it comes to being well-rounded and active, there's not many that can compare. He was only the second UFC fighter ever to be awarded performance bonuses in all 4 categories, Fight, Knockout, Performance & Submission of the night.

    All of this aside, his last fight wasn't even a pay per view event, and overall fan appreciation for his domination just doesn't seem to be there. More fight fans, and sports fans in general need to get on the Mighty Mouse train, this guy might not be a legend of the microphone, or have a Kardashian like fashion sense, but the man is a future legend of the sport. If you're not following Johnson religiously, you're missing out on one of the best runs the sport has ever seen.

    How To Moon Walk

    10 Things to be Stoked About in 2017

    Whew barely made it through 2016. It was touch and go there for a minute but glad to see you are here too. I mean it, you're my favorite. I figured with a whole new year of movies, tv, and video games coming our way I would take you on a little journey that we are calling "10 things to be stoked for in 2017". Now this is by no means all there is coming up but its 10 things I can't wait to check out. Before I get into it let me just say that if I get an honorable mention (and I'm making this list and its rules up so look at that I do indeed get an honorable mention, what luck) it would be for Red Dead Redemption 2. I know Rockstar said 2017 but I'm not getting too excited until I see an exact day. So here is my 10 and I put them in as close to calendar order as I could. 
    Logan- March 3 : Starting off this list is everyone's favorite knife handed Canuck. The X-men movies have been hit or miss for most people and the stand alone Wolverine movies are the extremes. Wolverine Origins was a pile. If you sat through it you know what I mean so I won't rail against it here. I mean the "Merc with a Mouth" not being able to speak, who thought that was what anyone wanted...Ok you're right, said I wouldn't do this, I'm done. The second Wolverine movie was a much much better take on our boy Logan. So they are tied up at 1 and 1 and here comes the third and final in Hugh Jackman's time as old Wolvey. I have checked out the trailer and it seems to be a much more somber take than I was expecting. What seemed to be a take on the "Old Man Logan" storyline by Mark Millar and Steve McNiven looks now to be a lot more of an original story. I really liked the "Old Man Logan" story but I also understand getting all the characters from that story in one movie would have been basically another avengers level event. Jackman has played the Wolverine for 17 years now (feel old yet?) so let's hope this movie can send him off right.
    Iron Fist- March 17 : For me personally this is the event of the year. The Iron Fist is my favorite Marvel character and I have been waiting and waiting for his Netflix show to come. I am sure I will do a longer blog post to kind of set this up closer to the premiere but the super abridged version is that Danny Rand was orphaned and taken in by a magical Kung Fu city and as an outsider he rose up to become the "Immortal Weapon Iron Fist". May seem cheesy and the original story from the 70's were but since then the character has gone through many different writers and artists hands to become more interesting and nuanced than his popped collar kung fu beginnings would lead you to believe. So far Netflix has been nailing the Marvel heroes of Hell's Kitchen and Harlem so I have more than enough faith they will do my man proud. Just a little longer to wait until I can binge it all on Friday March 17th. (Totally unrelated if you are reading this on Friday March 17th and I called off sick, it has nothing to do with binge watching Iron coincidence.)
    Mass Effect Andromeda- March TBA : Taking place 600 years after the original M.E. trilogy this game looks like it will be what fans want. Taking what the developers learned from the old games and improving on it for the newest release. A lot of people had their complaints about M.E. 3's ending so hopefully the jump forward in time will let people start fresh although in the gameplay trailer that was released we see a lot of familiar alien races so maybe this isn't as removed as it seems. No matter what this is a game I am looking forward to getting into for a solid 40- 50 hours based on how long the others took for me to finish and if it can hold my attention as well as they did this could be a game of the year contender. Maybe high hopes but after No Man's Sky I don't think I am alone in wanting a real open world space game with plenty to see and more importantly do.
    Nintendo Switch- March TBA : Let's just get this out of the way, Nintendo needs this console to be a win. The Wii U had to be a pretty big letdown after how well the Wii sold. Now coming out years after the PS4 and XBOX One this is a last stand of sorts for Nintendo. Now I hear you already, Nintendo is a classic they will be fine you say. While I don't think they are in a bankruptcy situation I do think they need to really pull people back in. When I think of the big N I get the same warm and fuzzies we all do. Then when I stop and realize that all the games I love from Nintendo are in their late 20's to early 30's that is a bit of a concern. I'm not saying that was the last time the games were good it's just those are my happiest memories with the company. I liked the trailer they put out and I am more than a bit curious. Besides not knowing the price and how long that battery lasts I am maybe 60/ 40 to get one on or near launch. For myself the idea of gaming at home and on the go in one is pretty awesome and I can easily see myself being "Karen" and taking it with me. Who am I kidding? All they really need is to show me that Little Mac throws his star uppercut as well as I remember on the Switch and I'm sold. 
    Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2- May 5 : Happy birthday me!! Well mine isn't technically until May 10th (now that you know I will be expecting gifts, donation, cookies with chocolate chips..) but the sequel to what is one of if not my favorite Marvel movie is a hell of a gift anyways. The first Guardians took what is one of the weirdest groups in Marvel and made us all love them. James Gunn has a style that fit this bit of the Marvel universe perfectly and I am totally in for more. I don't need to sell you on this one just go rewatch the trailer...rad huh? In 2 minutes it makes you laugh, has some action, and you fall in love for a tiny tree person and if that doesn't make an amazing movie then I don't know what does. All together now "We are Groot!"
    Uncharted Lost Legacy- TBA : I am putting this one here cause I am hoping we get an E3 release. I have no reason to assume that but I love the Uncharted games so I just want to hope its sooner rather than later. This stand alone story will have us playing as Chloe and Nadine all through India as we try to get to a fabled treasure and keep it away from a war profiteer. Now this is coming from a guy who pretty much bought a Vita so I could play Uncharted Golden Abyss and who has Uncharted 4 as their easy game of the year pick for 2016. So whatever Naughty Dog is selling as far as the Uncharted series goes I am buying. They haven't released a ton but there is a gameplay trailer you can check out that gives us a good idea how these ladies will get things done. Nathan may be sitting this one out but it looks like there will be plenty of chases and shoot outs to keep everyone busy with just the same.
    Wonder Woman- June 2 : This is the one thing on the list that I am just going with my gut the most on. I know the least about it but I am still pumped on it. Wonder Woman was by far the best part of Batman vs Superman and more than deserves her own movie. This sounds like it will be an origin story for her so its easy enough for anyone to come in and follow plus who doesnt want to see Princess Diana getting into her own WW2 story. Plus if it wasn't for this all DC would be putting out this year is the Justice League movie. Not sure where I stand on that one? See this list of things I'm looking forward to that you're reading? See how it's not on this list? Yea 
    Spider-Man: Homecoming- July 7 : Of course I am stoked on Spidey. I already wrote him his own blog and we have his Midtown shirt available since pretty much the day the very first pics were leaked. The latest trailer seemed perfect for what I want out of this movie. Peter is in school still learning the ropes or webs (sorry) of being a hero, Tony Stark is guiding him along, and the villians look to be just enough. It's easy to put too much into a movie but Marvel seems to know just what to add without diluting the whole thing. Have to bring up Michael Keaton as the Vulture too. In the comics there have been a few iterations of the Vulture including an elderly guy with a feather boa on and a mobster who was turned into a half man half vulture with acid spit. So it would be easy to go real campy with this guy but the little they have shown is Keaton making him menacing and that can only up the stakes for old webhead. 
    Game of Thrones- TBA : I'm not sure when this season will premiere but we know it will be a bit after the usual April G.O.T. premiere so I am taking a guess and saying mid summer. There is entirely too much going on with this show for me to even try to mention it all here. Let's just be honest you most likely are a fan of this already because if you aren't you would be a monster. A literal monster is just about the only thing I could imagine that isn't interested in seeing who will finally win this here game about thrones. So let's just all be patient and wait for Winter to return to our tv's. 
    Thor Ragnarok- Nov 3 : Last on my list is the third Thor movie this time titled "Ragnarok". There isn't a trailer for this one yet so lets cover the basics that we do know. Looking for the plot for this on Wikipedia gives the following sentence "After the events of Avengers: Age of Ultron,Thor, the Hulk and Doctor Strange come together to face off against intergalactic enemies both familiar and new." If you are here reading this you probably saw Doctor Strange and saw this coming from the end credit scene and there have been serious rumors that a certain big green guy will be doing some gladiator type battling. So yea, safe to say this one will be worth checking out. Plus it will be directed by Taika Waititi who did "What We Do in the Shadows" with Jemaine Clement and I am definitely interested in seeing what he can do with a big budget superhero movie.
    So there are 10 things to get hyped for in 2017. I know I missed a ton so feel free to let me know what you are all looking forward to. Even if it is the Justice League lol I know there have to be a few people into it so let me know if I am dismissing it early. We are planning a big year with a ton more shirts, Funko Pops!, and even a few more events and cons so stick around to find out where you can come out and pick up everything you need to rep all your loves this year and beyond!